Exporting file to pdf - ghost outlines of graphics on different layers


i'm in desperate need of this!

i'm creating picture book. have graphics placed illustrator, , png files placed on top (the face png, , rest of illustrations il).

when export pdf flattening preset, result file can see outlines of graphics through png face.

i'm sure it's transparency issue, because if save acrobat 5 (pdf 1.4) looks amazing. flattener preview indicates both png , large portion of graphics transparent. though, when in illustrator file, see it's not. don't know happened during placing....

this happens no matter graphic file format place. i've tried flattening before placing, exporting il pdf , placing. no difference.

i'm attaching 2 images explain. on left can see start cape "carved" face if closely, , on right, can see door post, neck , sleeve through face.

would happy ideas!


screenshot (161).pngscreenshot (160).png

that result of flattening take place when create pdf/x-1a, x-3, eps, pdf via print/distiller. png has transparency. (why use png? use psd photoshop.)

these lines invisible in print, except when export jpg or epub or raster format , conversion different color space during export.

better be, use pdf/x-4 print.

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