Audio waveform not showing in timeline

i have number of video , separate audio files 4 days of recording play.  have put them have synchronised sequence each day.


then go through each scene each day, mixing in want.


however, when insert section "master" sequence, don't see audio waveform always.   audio critical part editing cutting mid dialogue , need see it.


any tips why audio waveforms showing , @ other times not?

it sounds you're working multi-cam. reason waveform isn't passing through because audio setup doesn't match master sequences's setup. complicated explain in post, need route tracks inside mc clip way want them in master. if master clip stereo can have 2 channels passing through in order have waveform show up.

alternatively, render audio in main timeline, takes time , break if make changes inside mc clip.

here's guess @ what's going on:

1) have 2 cameras each recorded 2 channels of audio


2) inside of mc clip either has 2 or 4 tracks of audio. 2 if brought footage in default settings treat stereo audio single clip (thus 2 tracks 4 sources) or 4 tracks if treat footage's audio dual mono, do. great if have soundboard feed on channel 1 , shotgun on channel two. don't want sources mixed together, import them premiere , bring them timeline individual mono tracks. what's setup like?


3) master clip has 2 channels. can see waveform pass through if premiere doesn't have generate new waveform, have happen if inside of mc clip combining 4 sources of audio. if can mute proper channels, or pan, if necessary, can waveforms pass through.


3a) if have stereo clips try muting 1 of cameras' audio. should instantly allow see waveform on main clip.


3b) if brought in footage dual mono tracks , have 4 tracks, should mute 2 of them , pan 1 of remaining tracks -100 , other +100. if you're off single point (like -99 , +100) you're still combining audio , you'll have render waveforms.


this complex, confusing, , pain. took me ages figure out best way setup mc sequences, have don't have issues. helps.

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