Macromedia Flash 8 Files Saving as Adobe Animate CC Files?

so in macromedia flash 8 got thing said "please enter code" or that. stupidly, thought had done this, pressed not show again. should put it? i've found nothing, , it's not letting me open of saved files, giving me error of, "could not send command program" or that. re-installed it, , when save files save adobe animate cc files , says trial has expired. don't want adobe animate anymore, it's forcing me buy (when have macromedia flash 8 installed , working other saves) please help, want start animating, don't know anymore.

that's strange. haven't heard of issue previously. following docs available creative suite, , creative cloud. see if work you.


- reset preferences : re-create preferences (i don't have doc flash 8, hoping able figure out doc)

- clean install: use creative cloud cleaner tool solve installation problems


meanwhile, let me ask around see happening.




More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General



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