Illustrator CC 2015.3.1 release: Issue with Eyedropper Sampling



i using latest illustrator cc 2015.3.1 release (august 2016) on mac os x 10.11.6.

i following video tutorial "assigning colors mesh points", i.e. working on gradient mesh exercise color mesh art realistically, according pre-existing jpg photo model.
the instructor supplied exercise files , i've opened particular file given without modifications. means, underneath gradient mesh layers given me, on bottom of layer stack, first layer contains template photograph pre-assigned exercise. didn't import jpg file.


in "simple" exercise supposed lift colors photo template , apply them anchor point(s) on mesh achieve realistically colored 3d object highlights , shadows.


i able follow initial instructions stage  before eyedropper tool comes in:
- first,  mesh in normal visible mode;
- then, select mesh clicking v tool - turns blue, points , line segments.
- then, using tool, instructed click on anchor point need recolor.
- @ stage, selected anchor point turns blue, while rest of points stay white on blue (selected) mesh. far good.

- selected mesh anchor point want re-color after jpg model, ti switch outline mode via cmd+y.
- mesh colors discarded the  blue mesh outlines selections visible on screen.
- visible on screen underlying jpg template dimmed out @ 50%. instructor's image on screen looks mine @ point.
- have use eyedropper in outline mode , "lift" colors jpg underneath mesh.



here's eyedropper problem:


- in outline mode, anchor point selected (in blue), mesh (in blue), template visible @ 50% opacity , unlocked, eyedropper won't sample template photograph's color underneath anchor point. instead, samples:
a. either dimmed out template's washed-out colors (when clicking around mesh), or
b. lifts blue selection color of selected anchor point/mesh (upon clicking @ exact mesh anchor point re-colored sampling template).
c. instructor's demonstration works , selected anchor point changes color according underneath eyedropper cursor when sampling jpg template. noticed instructor uses cc 2013 version of illustrator on pc.


here's i've tried:
1. toggled template jpg image layer lock on/off unlock template layer did not change eyedropper performance. still samples blue selection color of mesh.
2. double clicked eyedropper tool in toolbox invoke eyedropper options , played around eyedropper picks up/eyedropper applies options. didn't help.


so basically, in latest cc version of illustrator, (how) can eyedropper-sample jpg  template underneath gradient mesh (outline mode cmd+y) , lift colors original template pictures, not blue selected mesh or washed out, dimmed template colors?





lock or hide mesh layer while selecting. topmost item (your mesh) select on image below.


also if double click on jpg /template layer, can adjust transparency/dim settings 100%.

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