PhoneGap Developer App not supporting zeroconf plugin



i trying develop phonegap application uses zeroconf plugin cordova. have followed intructions from:




my code looks like:


<script type="text/javascript">

   function ondeviceready() {

        document.getelementbyid("zeroconf2").innerhtml = "looking domo device...";

        var zeroconf = cordova.plugins.zeroconf;

        console.log(zeroconf);'_mpd._tcp.', function(resp){

            document.getelementbyid("zeroconf2").innerhtml = resp.service;

            console.log("found something");



    function onload() {

        document.addeventlistener("deviceready", ondeviceready, false);




i have added plugin config.xml:

<gap:plugin name="cordova-plugin-zeroconf" source="npm"/>


when previewing app on device. not able receive information regarding _mpd._tcp devices in network.

in same time  able see them using zeronf browser, know zeroconf working in lan.


br marcin

when previewing app phonegap developer app, limited subset of phonegap plugins. zeroconf plugin not 1 included default.


unfortunately, there no easy method include use in pgda (apart creating custom build of it).


in order test application plugin, need compile , install application in standard fashion.



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