Configuration Error 1 After Upgrading to macOS Sierra (Illustrator)

hi everyone,


after upgraded macos sierra, of adobe software started crashing. adobe acrobat xi opens stops unexpectedly after few seconds. notably, illustrator doesn't start @ all. configuration error message (error 1) , suggests uninstalling , reinstalling software (which doesn't help).


i've tried changing permissions slstore , adobe pcd folders. , indeed, permissions adobe pcd set read admin.


sadly, changing permissions didn't help. same error message. also, once reinstall software, permissions change read only.


this happened right after upgrading macos sierra. have no backup downgrading el capitan not option.


please help, standard workaround didn't work me, , need illustrator survive.


(i use macbook pro; retina display 13; late 2015; processor 2,7 ghz intel core i5; memory 8 gb 1867 mhz ddr3)

update; found out illustrator works fine on guest account. configuration error happens on user account...


any ideas?

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