help please

hello everybody,

i have big problem catalogue. keep may photos on external hard drive, yestarday pluged in hd , opened lighroom, showed disc f time , had used disc e before, so  lightroom did not see photos on disc e, were???  showed disc f hd , no catalogue, instead finnally found out how change path disc e. before solve made big mistake being careless, moved photos folders(about 18 000) 1 main "my lightroom photos", have , removed lr catalogue , pasted last file. happened, opened showed  folders empty photos window edits did rates,stars, have photos in 1 folder without editing information applied. tried them manually put in folders there still no editing information put same folders,i tried "find missing photos"," synchronize", "validating dng" have no idea ,how link photos edits did on them ,at least have photos.

please help, m using windows 10 , lr 5.7

















after connected external hard drive have right-clicked on topmost folder , chosen update folder location , pointed new hard drive letter. moving of images single folder wasn't thing do. have underlying database (the lightroom catalog) keeps track of images located. have moved them single folder think you're facing nightmare relink of images. luck.

More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC



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