mp4 exports stop mid-video?

hey there, hoping can help! i'm not proficient in adobe premiere @ , know basics, i've been using few months , issue started yesterday.

i've been trying export edited video mp4 using same settings use (triple checked) , file exporting when view video randomly stops halfway , freezes. it's 60 minute video , first time exported it, video stopped @ 17 minute mark, , kept going rest 40+ minutes no sound , frozen screen. shut down , went through export process again, same thing happened except @ 6 min mark time. tried third time , it's frozen @ 32 min mark. have no idea why!


i not getting error message whatsoever adobe or video player. thing i've noticed different don't usual popup after you've exported video says 100% complete blue bar. there's nothing , i'm editing screen.

what's going on? has happened else?

be sure wait until have indication of completed export.  once encoding done, separately encoded video , audio files muxed single file.  there's no progress indicator muxing step, wait.

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