Is Augmented Reality Really Going to Impact Learning

i had chance experiment new microsoft hololens. stunned how different experience when compared more familiar - virtual reality. it's no secret i've long been fan of vr, , enthusiast. ar extraordinarily compelling. 

for uninitiated, ar viewer  (in case hololens) let's through media see whole environment around you. office or living room combined data displays, virtual holograms, web browsers etc. i've felt longing while wearing vr goggles - able see room - if second, vr experience quite isolating outside environment.

augmented reality interactive real world, , encourages see , hear both virtual , real simultaneously. implications pretty apparent. guided lessons while performing real tasks, communications , interactions augment instead of interrupt workflow. referential media, notes, video , other tools.

it strikes me ar points future smaller bite size learning tools, , ones more associated virtual objects can somehow linked world around us. tools qr codes , near field communications being used this.

but, glasses still heavy - hard wear more hour or so. still ridiculously hard type. simple gestures intuitive, device didn't seem follow me , wondered how long battery life might be. (though seems longer i'd imagine.) clear - needs lighter weight, less bulky, , little more power savvy - starting short time span before these devices that.

so think? see future kind of thing in learning? change of creating content? 

allen, shouldn't better mark  discussion, not technical question? (have moderator powers) wanted ask first. cc applications have been put in lounge not sure available throught elearning portal.

More discussions in Adobe Captivate



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