Bouncing Logo In Sync With Music

hey everyone, got logo made , i'm trying make bounce in sync music (preferably bouncing when kick drum hits). i've gotten far connecting pick whip of picture slider of both channels of song. don't know how control it's every time kick drum hits. , when bounces, gets big. still want size increase when bounces, not much. if help, i'd appreciate it!

if want convert/change/modify values audio amplitude need expression. there many ways this.  1 of basics expressions called "linear". explained here: after effects tutorial | audio keyframes - youtube .


like tutorial illustrates - set expression on both channels stopwatch. first range of both channels amplitude - example if want kicks when it's highest , when it's lowest (for kick, not audio) - can use graph editor see curve (select value graph, not speed graph) find easily. let's 45 , 60.

you alt click on stop watch of both channels , set expression: linear(value, 45, 60, 50, 200) - means convert 45 (low) value of amplitude , 60 (high) value of amplitude 50 , 200 value (but can specify value want convert to).  after can pickwhip parameter want affected (in case: scale) both channels stopwatch , there have it.



this expression dancing-with-scripts-master dan ebberts deal audio keyframes: - just copy expression typed down there value want affect, , set parameters in expression box on high , low in audio amplitude, , set factor multiply value.


and here way:

how convert audio keyframes in adobe after effects


more geeky information in here under interpolation methods:

expression language in after effects

More discussions in After Effects



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