Get the Place PDF dialog to select different page for linked file

hi all,


i have multipage pdf linked in ai. i've imported page 1, , used transform achieve step , repeat pattern.

after expanding , ungrouping have let's 10 x 10 grid of first page.

i need go through each of these 100 positions , relink different (random) page same linked pdf.

what i'd script upon execution i'd place pdf dialog, using same linked file, , skipping relink dialog.


so far i've automated via action, have rerecord each time different incoming pdf file.


the functionality need same line of code:

  1. var g; (g=app.selection[0].graphics[0]). 
  2.     place(g.itemlink.filepath, true); 

which trick indesign. of course, ai js syntax different


i'm new scripting , i'd appreciate help.


thanks in advance!

if there's functionality available in indesign, it's relatively safe bet assume can't in illustrator...


now, i'm being facetious.. sort of. unfortunately adobe not seem care whether have support need.


that said, have not tried placing images js in ai yet. let me poke around , see can find.

More discussions in Illustrator Scripting



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