Time clock/Countdown effect issue. Ahead of real time

so put time icon in song can have little more visual appearance. 1 issue...it's few seconds ahead of how long song is. put in code

amtofdigits = 2;

seconds = math.round( time % 59 );

minutes = math.floor( time / 59 );

function addleadingzeroes( v ){

    for( = 0; < math.abs( amtofdigits - (v + "").length ); i++)

       v = "0" + v;

    return v;

} addleadingzeroes(minutes) + ":" + addleadingzeroes(seconds)


notice song on 3 minutes time says 3:03


time clock issue.png

well, 59 not 29.97 nor 59.94, not? math crooked. fill in correect values.



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