Resonsive website not scaling correctly on devices

hello, have made 4 succesful websites , starting learn responsive websites.  making 1 friend of mine , having issues content locking devices screen width.  on desktop browser can scale website on phone doesn't snap screens width.. using iphone 6 safari. can view website here -  have checked overlaping graphics nothing outside of frame @ 480 wide.  there need check or activate fix device width?




screen shot 2016-08-27 @ 11.17.32.png


here website cropping on iphone 6 on load


screen shot 2016-08-27 @ 11.19.23.png

then on resize, there no locking or constraints device width.


screen shot 2016-08-27 @ 11.19.32.png

i use dreamweaver websites reason every time pass website through dreamweaver breaks on ftp upload , website blank being forced use muse ftp upload.  seems latest versions bit buggy!


any advice appreciated make phone site sit correctly on phones



why should muse's ftp upload buggy? first "reporting" or better "assuming" this.

i bet, there elements outside defined page or breakpoint width. if not on layout pages, on master pages.

if not, delete 3rd party widgets step step.

More discussions in Help with using Adobe Muse CC



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