Alt Key and Step Backward Hotkeys are Not Working on Mac

recently purchased new macbook air (which has 10.11.6) , downloaded photoshop use have been on old mac (which has 10.8.5). but, whenever try use alt key switch form paintbrush eyedropper, gets stuck in eyedropper , have hit alt multiple times switch back. also, have step backward hot-key set upper side-button on intuos pen, whenever use it, changes brush mode mode copies layer , moves around whenever click. have tried going photoshop cc 2014 (which version using on old mac), , turning off sticky keys, far nothing has worked. know way can fix problem?

test option/alt key different keyboard usb or bluetooth keyboard. might sticky key. had sticky option/alt key on keyboard came imac , brought apple store replacement. if macbook air new, , that's problem, you'll want address right away.

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