9/28/2016 - Beta - AIR

welcome latest air runtime , sdk version 23 beta!  we've been hard @ work adding new features air , we're looking forward receiving feedback our development community.

this beta release includes new features enhancements , bug fixes related security, stability, performance, , device compatibility air runtime , sdk 23.  full details, please see our release notes

new , updated features

gameinput api ios

starting air 23, providing gameinput api support ios. gameinput api interface allows applications communicate attached game controllers. there different types of game controllers depending on number of controls. api allows application information related game controller.

gameinput api support has been available android. on ios, requires minimum swf version of 34. api supports ios devices running on ios version 9.0 or higher.


gameinput api example:


        trace("gameinput.issupported - "+ gameinput.issupported);
        trace("gameinput.numdevices - "+ gameinput.numdevices);
        gameinput = newgameinput();
        gameinput.addeventlistener(gameinputevent.device_added, inputdeviceaddedevent);
        gameinput.addeventlistener(gameinputevent.device_removed, inputdeviceremovedevent);
            trace("inputdeviceremovedevent - "+ e.device);
            trace("inputdeviceaddedevent - "+ e.device);
            trace("device.enabled - "+ device.enabled);
            trace("device.id - "+ device.id);
            trace("device.name - "+ device.name);
            trace("device.numcontrols - "+ device.numcontrols);
            trace("device.sampleinterval - "+ device.sampleinterval);
            for(vari:number=0; < device.numcontrols; i++)
                varcontrol:gameinputcontrol = device.getcontrolat(i);
                control.addeventlistener(event.change, changeevent);
            varcontrol:gameinputcontrol = e.target asgameinputcontrol;
            trace("control.device - "+ control.device);
            trace("control.value - "+ control.value);
            trace("control.minvalue - "+ control.minvalue);
            trace("control.maxvalue - "+ control.maxvalue);
            trace("control.id - "+ control.id);

echo cancellation on air android

starting air 23, have introduced echo cancellation air on android.

acoustic echo occurs when speaker output feeds built-in microphone input, producing disturbing echoing artifacts , reducing quality of captured data.  acoustic echo arises in collaboration applications, 2 or more parties carry out interactive conversation.

from release onwards, developers can develop voip applications without echo using air on android.

note: feature present on air desktop , ios platform. more information, see microphone - as3.

the following changes required in action script code:


to access device microphone, use microphone.getmicrophone(). however, api returns simple microphone, not have ability eliminate acoustic echo. remove acoustic echo, developers must instance of microphone using api: microphone.getenhancedmicrophone(). device microphone returned api has acoustic echo cancellation feature enabled.


  • add following tag under android manifest additions:                     

            <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.modify_audio_settings" />

  • there may pre-existing swfs use microphone. getenhacedmicrohone () api (as present , working air desktop applications). if such swf files packaged latest airsdk (version 23), feature not work. developers need recompile swf swf-version 34 or higher.


sample snippet

here example code snippet scenario:

public function microphoe()


mic = microphone.getenhancedmicrophone();


mic.rate =22;

mic.addeventlistener(statusevent.status, mic_status);



  • acoustic echo cancellation may not work on devices (such moto g2) because of hardware side limitations.     
  • the api microphoneenhancedoptions (present on air desktop) no-op on air android.     
  • performance of feature can vary depending upon hardware side handling of echo cancellation different android devices. devices not support echo cancellation @ hardware level, air handle echo cancellation software side.     
  • acoustic effects of microphone class vary according device. because android family has devices different hardware configurations, same audio settings have different impact on different devices. example, developer may have use "mic.gain = 70;" samsung note 4 loud output of voice.

the stagetext clear button optional on ios

while creating stagetext object on ios, clear button option available default developers.


beginning air 23, new feature has been introduced, makes stagetext clear button optional. provides more flexibility developers when using stagetext. in earlier versions, stagetext object created integrated clear button.


to implement feature, following changes required in actionscript code:



to access optional clear button support, developers can use clearbuttonmode property set different modes. following modes associated property:

  •    show clearbutton while editing: stagetextclearbuttonmode.while_editing
  •    never show clearbutton: stagetextclearbuttonmode.never
  •    show clearbutton: stagetextclearbuttonmode.always
  •    show clearbutton unless editing: stagetextclearbuttonmode.unless_editing


default, clearbuttonmode property set stagetextclearbuttonmode.while_editing.



  • the application must packaged latest air sdk (version 23).
  • swf version must 34 or later.

sample snippet

here example code snippet scenario:

public function clearbuttonmode()


label = new stagetext();

label.clearbuttonmode = stagetextclearbuttonmode.never;

label.textalign = "right";

label.stage = stage;

label.viewport = new rectangle(20, 20, 90, 90);



      •  property not available in stagetext multi-line

      •  property no-op android                                

win: add hidpi support air desktop (release)

beginning air 23, hidpi support air desktop on windows has been introduced. allows provide higher quality rendering air content on hidpi displays. feature works on concept of higher pixel density scaling instead of pixel-doubling scaling.


note: hidpi available air on mac retina displays. to implement feature in air app, developer should set requesteddisplayresolution high in manifest file.

  • requesteddisplayresolution set high

known issues

  • none

fixed issues

  • glitches observed when graphic content transformed 2.5d transformation in air 23(4191283)
  • artifacts observed when  z axis depth of  display object changed(4189739)
  • triangle either blank or filled artifacts when using graphics.drawtriangles() in air 23.0 (4191288)
  • glitches observed when using 3d rotation applied on bitmap or containers(4188948)

authoring flash player 23 , air 23

  • update application descriptor namespace 23
  • swf version should 34

system requirements

for system requirements of current release of air in production, visithttp://www.adobe.com/products/air/systemreqs/

about beta channel

to latest beta build of air runtime , sdk visit adobe labs

if real-time notification announcements related air beta channel please follow flash runtime announcements forums choosing "follow forum" right-hand menu on forums page.

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