Why can't get Inline TextFrame?

this code textframes of page:

errorcode setidscriptprovider::setlabel(ihierarchy* parent,idatabase* database)


  errorcode status = ksuccess;

  int32 childcount = parent->getchildcount();

  (int32 childindex = 0; childindex < childcount; childindex++)


   interfaceptr<ihierarchy> child(parent->querychild(childindex));

   uidref childuidref=::getuidref(child);



  // process


//set inline object

   status = setlabel(child,database);


  return status;


but if put other textframe inline textframe, inline object can't go my process

why can't inline textframe?

1. iitemstrand itextmodel.

2. owneditemdatalist itemstrand->collectowneditems.

3. iinlinedata using owneditemuid.

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