Effect plugins not working on Nvidia GTX 1080



sorry if not right place ask question.

i have noticed effect plugins developed (with ae sdk) not working on windows 10 cuda gtx 1080 gpu. when apply plugin on sequence, first appears dark curtain (see enclosed picture before , after plugin application) , effect doesn't work @ all. know graphic card not on list of supported ones (premiere pro system requirements mac os , windows ) i'd know if problem linked graphic card or may have missed. know plugins have worked fine on amd , nvidia graphic cards.



screen shot 2016-08-03 @ 09.18.37.png

screen shot 2016-08-03 @ 09.19.01.png

hi jérôme,


i not aware of specific bugs graphics card.  if switch renderer software only, effect work fine?


how sdk procamp sample work on gpu?



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