RAM preview problem

(sorry english)

when try preview creation, doesn't finish render of working area. example, if working area 45 seconds long, renders until 35 seconds approximately. @ more exaact number, around 1300 frames 29,97 frame rate. please help.

ram preview (what cc2015 called preview) render can , depends on available ram , how resources composition need render frame (effects, animation, 3d+lights, motion blur etc.) . can try purge ram , see how ae can handle click edit -> purge -> all. workaround preview different segments @ time. or choose preview half or quarter resolution , more of preview, or skip frame, or lower preview frame rate, or choose render segment of composition window using region of interest. , if not enough , want see whole sequence @ full quality in 1 go have render lossless codec (choose 1 can have decent playback photojpeg, not quicktime animation) or encode mp4 1 ame.


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preview without rendering in after effects

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