Count If Values in Dynamic Nested Tables

have expanding table nested in expanding table.  attempting count number of times:

the value in "datetimefield2" field in last row of nested table on previous row of main table equal to

the value in "datetimefield2" field in first row of nested table on next row of main table.


this 1 driving me nuts, appreciated.  here have far.  again!



var sumdcd = 0; var dcd = this.resolvenodes("rowx[*].subform2[*].table1[*]"); //app.alert(dcd.length); (var = 1; < dcd.length; i++)  { var row = this.resolvenodes("rowx[*].subform2[*].resolvenode[" + (table1[i-1]._row1.count - 1) + "]"); if(dcd.item(i).datetimefield2.row1[row].rawvalue = dcd.item(i-1).row1[0].datetimefield2.rawvalue)  { sumdcd += (dcd.item(i).row1.datetimefield2.length); } } sumdcd 

anyone have thoughts?  still have not been able working despite significant tinkering.

More discussions in LiveCycle Designer



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