footer text change rendering all breakpoints Error U1217 text flow inconsistency crash

i converting desktop site responsive site. have master page , master b page. each page has several text lines of navigational links internal pages. started breakpoint of 1240; redesigned page , made footer nav text 2 lines. did same in breakpoint 1024 , breakpoint 960. in each breakpoint footer navigational text block pinned , set none on resize. when go next breakpoint of 770 want change text 3 lines. when placing hard return, renders other breakpoints same 3 lines don't want them change. have type tool set on format current breakpoint, still renders others. program gives me error code of: text flow inconsistency in text frame u1217 @ breakpoint '960 px. crashes. though had 960 working , on 770 breakpoint, error code 960.


as work around deleted entire footer navigational links text box , tried use plane text thinking maybe has navigation. continues change text in other breakpoints. have tried multiple times , keep getting error code every time now. had go time machine yesterdays progress because multiple recovery versions causing other issues.


so @ point want change 2 lines of type 3 lines of type navigational text on 2 of 5 breakpoints. other breakpoints being 2 lines.

i deleted master b page text block have had of master page elements tied make sure. still got error code.

all footers text resize set none.


please help


so want more text on bigger breakpoints? make 2 text box , group them inside square (so behave same) hide 1 of text in smaller break points.


p.s, sounds font use may be, being turned image @ rendor

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