Cant get my built extentions to show up in Adobe

i have been working on while , documentation seems outdated creating extensions 2015 adobe.

i followed guide a short guide html5 extensions | adobe developer connection

and did exact , nothing worked, did research , updated version types , folder locations try , them work , no luck. seems debugging isn't working , won't show unsigned script. updated asked.


i set com.adobe.csxs file asked. make sure sure updated playerdebugmode in 5 , 7 well:



here manifest, set versions free extension dled works great:


here file path. right next other extension works great.

file location.png


after not working me dled extension builder 3 , tried through there following tutorial step step , got error:

unable launch extension.png


after finding online switched file paths , updated manifest told:

service manager.png

target applications.png


i totally lost @ point why can't working. have tried these steps on different computer , results same.

any awesome.



your version 15.0 (~original cc 2014 release) , referring cc 2015.5 (version 17.*). can version="[16.0,17.9]" include range.

More discussions in Extension Builder 3



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