Translation form

  1. hello.

have question translate form using xliff.
1 – livecycle - in menu tool / options in document handing enabled option creat translation ids when saving.

2 - worked in file have translate. in follow saved file name of b xdp extension.

3 - within cmd, c: \ users \ anderson \ formtranslation
typed command java -jar saxon9.jar b.xdp extractstrings.xslt> b.s2x
, got b.s2x file.

4 - opened file in b.s2x in the  swordfish program translate. in program translated english language portuguese language. saved file b.s2x translated.

5 - after cmd typed command
java -jar saxon9.jar b.s2x mergestrings.xslt xdpfile b.xdp => btranslated.xdp
got btranslated.xdp file. when opened file in livecycle btranslated.xdp not translated. cannot understand why.

comments. in step 4 when translated b.s2x file swordfish program, opened file b.s2x notpad , made sure translated.
realized supposedly problem after command cmd in java -jar saxon9.jar b.s2x mergestrings.xslt xdpfile b.xdp => btranslated.xdp file not converted translation.
put these files in link, if can me. after process changed file names understand original files , translated form.
if can me thank you.




finally able solve problem.

the problem in mergestrings file.

i use latest version of adobe livecycle. is, used mergestrings file came in release.

but discovered error @ line 66 of file.

<xslt: variable name = "translatednode" select = "$ s2x [@ id = $ idtoget] [1] / target" />


i installed livecycle es2 version on computer. took mergestrings file version.

when compare 2 files noticed error on line 66.

es4 - <xslt: variable name = "translatednode" select = "$ s2x [@ id = $ idtoget] [1] / target" />


es2 - <xslt: variable name = "idtoget" select = "@ xliff: rid" />

select = "$ s2x [@ id = $ idtoget] [1] / source" />


after changing mergestrings file , executing command in prontcmd (java -jar saxon8.jar myform.s2x mergestrings.xslt xdpfile = myform.xdp> myformtranslate.xdp) got file translated  in livecycle.

More discussions in LiveCycle Forms



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