Workflow question for new now that Direct link is gone



im little confused how basic workflow should run in regards grading footage go premiere pro.


do grade raw footage before rough cut?


if grade footage after rough cut opening speedgrade & selecting footage, when saving auto ingested in premiere pro (this isn't happening me)


whats confusing me fact premiere pro & speedgrade don't seem work close more via direct link. (understand might more preferable pros)


thanks in advance



they through big piece of stuff @ when 10.x build of 2015.3 came out ... removing direct link process speedgrade open prpro project file. we're left either using lumetri panel within prpro or using edl exports out speedgrade, or going xml export use resolve. 'official' processes, @ least. there 3rd party solution easier, faster, , elegant ... , i'll mention below.


- lumetri panel color workspace in prpro rather nice ... can do. it's mashup of lightroom ui , quasi-colorist under-the-hood tools. can pretty nice stuff on clip clip basis. smaller projects very viable solution once know how use it. especially if using external control panel, such tangent ripple, makes process lot faster , far more intuitive do.


however, if need actual shot-matching within scenes, multiple secondaries on quite few clips, or have hundred or more clips grade, breaks down or slow profitable. can show how set sort-of-mostly shot-matching workspace, it's slower , less precise shot-matching within speedgrade or resolve. stacking instances of lumetri either via on 'main' clip or on adjustment layers works additional secondaries & effects, ... add many , severely hammer playback performance.


- edl out speedgrade prpro "older" style output, , requires 1 export edl (edit decision list file) opened speedgrade, , choose 1 of 2 work-processes within speedgrade. (there's several picky settings have correct before importing file sg, or rejects file/process.)

  1. the first creating 'flattened' file within prpro , exporting out, importing file along edl in sg. speedgrade uses edl align 'cut' points between clips on sequence in prpro, can grade , work on dissolves & such. need not include titles , lower-thirds flattened file. after grading, export file speedgrade, import prpro, , use replace 'flattened' track of project, such titles , other effects & such on other tracks displayed , used.
  2. second export edl prpro, , import in sg, use media panel in sg navigate , import various clips/media of project, , hope sg 'sees' them correctly , can automatically "conform" them project. you'll possibly need manual conforming (selecting , including files).


- xml out use different grading app, resolve, involves doing xml export prpro, collecting media in particular folder easy conforming within resolve, opening resolve, importing xml, adding media used in process in conforming process resolve. when done grading, export file out bring prpro similar edl export file listed above, , replace base timeline output.


colorists figure commercial 70 100 clips 'conformed' xml file take 30 minutes 2 hours 'conform' within resolve. time considered part of cost of doing business. literally. billed per hour, of course. better work editor prep project conforming within resolve, less time pay assistant load & prep project colorist.


this above official method left work. edl , xml export process of course still heavily used in "industrial" situations editor in 1 post-house , colorist in ... or really, within same post-house. take time , bit convoluted if you're working one-man show, have spend time prepping project own conforming in grading app, finish "round trip" prpro final editing work , exporting.


for small shops especially, direct link ... heavenly.


there is, however, way still use "form" of direct link process projects, , small 3rd party app created fellow sg user, , mentioned on forum. discussed , linked-to within sg forum thread:


premiere/speedgrade project converter tool


what app ... open on desktop ... drag/drop prpro project file 10.x builds of 2015.3 or 2015.4 onto app ... autosaves , increments file new project file, while converting 1 (1) character in project file header sg 2015.1 'see' file 9.x build , work it.


do work within sg, save file when done. drag/drop same file onto app, , upconverts ... again auto-saving/incrementing file, changing 1 (1) character prpro 10.x see file native file , work without needing convert new project file.


there's been several hundred downloads, , problem i've heard of far aftereffects comps can fritz. well, there's way around that, used many of editors know routinely ae comp work prpro projects: rather including ae comp in sequence, ae work export "comp" directly ae in codec they're using project, replace original clip ae export on sequence itself. typically plays easier , exports fewer potential problems anyway. plus ... if want redo comp in ae, open comp again, new work, , export/replace operation.


with ripple & elements panels, there lot more of small projects can stay within prpro , lumetri works great. ... wedding? um ... no. shot-matching , secondaries , stacked effects , such i'm used using in sg can done in lumetri ... lot slower accomplish, , using stacked lumetri doth slow down playback quite noticeably.


so ... i'm using both lumetri within prpro, , appropriate, patrick's novel , delightful little program work within sg also. without edl/xml , flattening/exporting/conforming/round-tripping in rather more time consuming manner.



More discussions in SpeedGrade



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