Installed Windows 10 and now my Adobe Premiere Elements 13 will not burn a DVD

i installed windows 10 on laptop , adobe premiere elements 13 - has been functioning fine in burning dvds - cannot seem find burner. able create file "for computer" , burned dvd using machine xp , premiere elements 9. low quality , un-handy way of doing this. can restore dvd burning capability in windows 10 machine had been working prior windows 10 install.  otherwise, programs works fine under windows 10.  help!  - larry

hi larry,

             i'm wondering when not being able burn dvd. have elements 12 , have upgraded windows 10. getting prompt no burner found, removed , reinserted dvd , found ok. went through whole process , when complete burn (98%), dvd ejected , message "internal software error:%0,line%1" appeared. happens every single dvd. wonder if windows 10 related? michael.

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