Avid AAF to Premiere CC

i have sequence in avid, i'm trying bring premiere cc.


i'm exporting aaf. however, when import premiere, sequence

, cuts show footage offline. when try relink files,

general error.


making aaf, followed this

migrate projects avid premiere pro | adobe premiere pro cc tutorials


files in dreaded .mxf format, , i've tried installing pro video codecs, , same thing.

i'm having same trouble here. don't think it's problem of codecs of avid media files structure. because 1 .mxf file split in 9 .mxf files (1 video 8 audio) when import footage avid. anyway, haven't found solution yet recongized weird phenomenon. audio files not included error. video footage offline , cannot linked media files audio (only) files (music in case) aren't offline , linked media files. weird because split 2 files when imported avid.


someone adobe, please answer this? known bug workaround?

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