Redundant (temporary?) files when sending from Comp CC to Photoshop?

if start design in comp cc on ipad , send photoshop, integration generates psd [user]/library/application support/adobe/oobe/pushtodesktop/[somerandomstring]/file.psd


all , good: photoshop load file automatically. 


my questions are: after making updates , saving psd new, 'proper' location, old file still hanging around.  old version in .../oobe/ cleaned @ time automatically? other files saved there - e.g. selected generate>image assets option has created directory , file in same location? 


i suppose real question is, how read detail on mobile/desktop app integration understand going on?  level of detail tends missing documentation - or @ least can't find it.  don't want these files left around eternity.


what want of course generated psd in creative cloud files directory and, if choose, project library in cc.

i found comp cc forum after posting , got answer there.


tidying stored files transfer x (photoshop say)

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