Illustrator shows "not enough memory" and then crashes
i can´t copy elements without having illustrator crash.
can somehow downgrade previous version?
steps reproduce:
- while working in illustrator document (no matter if complex or simple, new or existing document)
- i copy selected element using ⌘ - c
- i message not enough memory available
- illustrator behaves unresponsive after message. message appears multiple times.
- most of time have force quit illustrator.
- the problem re-appears instantly hit ⌘-c whatever element selected.
additional info:
- macbookpro10,1
- illustrator cc 2015.3
- mac os x 10.11.6
- 16 gb ram
- 280 gb available disk space
- performed complete re-install of system on »naked« drive *and* re-installed complete cc
- i deactivated gpu feature in preferences. makes no difference
this console outputs:
03.08.16 23:22:04,154 adobe illustrator[19170]: unrecognized appkit event in window -sendevent: nsevent: type=kitdefined loc=(0,0) time=0.0 flags=0 win=0x0 winnum=0 ctxt=0x0 subtype=6 data1=0 data2=0
03.08.16 23:22:04,171 adobe illustrator[19170]: unrecognized appkit event in window -sendevent: nsevent: type=kitdefined loc=(0,1440) time=39176.9 flags=0 win=0x0 winnum=2919 ctxt=0x0 subtype=22 data1=2902 data2=0
03.08.16 23:22:15,000 kernel[0]: **** [iobluetoothhostcontrollerusbtransport][interruptreadhandler] -- received kioreturnnotresponding error - retrying: 1
03.08.16 23:22:15,000 kernel[0]: **** [iobluetoothhostcontrollerusbtransport][clearfeatureinterruptendpointhalt] -- posting read mint0interruptpipe -- minterruptpipeinoutstandingiocount = 1 -- = 0x3000
turns out problem has been addressed here:
quitting keyboard maestro seems trick indeed.
using pre-release suggested in same post, illustrator won´t crash longer keyboard maestro running
we in process of preparing hot fix solve issue. request join our pre-release program , grab build if helps. have posted build solves problem.
as part of pre-release program have access our latest builds , opportunity directly share feedback , suggestions illustrator product , engineering teams. if interested in joining program, click . few prerequisites join program: valid subscription. latest release of illustrator installed on machine.
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