Logo won't stay centred on the page in a responsive site

i've attempted setup quite possibly simplest startpage ever ... white logo, centred on grey background email link. sounds simple, right?


the problem is, everytime resize window see how responds, logo begins moving down bottom, , once window made small, disappears. want, the logo remain in centre, that's all. no matter how pin it, still disappears when browser window gets small.


is there i'm missing here? simple it's becoming quite annoying ... if startpage myself, i'd inclined let go it's client, , want provide best service possible.


i have seen similar question on forum, user given links tutorials, i've looked through, , i'm still looking answers.

create s simple example page, upload dropbox or similar file sharing service , post download link here.

your problem vefry easy solve, may have tons of causes.

and 1 little hint: don’t acquire clients using application, can’t handle.

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