Can't Select 2 Pictures for Photomerge

i have adobe photoshop elements 14 on windows 10.  when using photomerge panorama, cannot select 2 photos @ time merge.  when select second photo, first 1 unselected.


i followed suggested adobe instructions in resetting preferences , trying "work around" problem.  didn't work.


i went forums , discovered other people have had same problem, , no technician has answered them.

maybe because adobe trying figure out how fix it.  if so, why don't tell these people instead of making them feel unimportant bother with.


this disappointing.


control-click select not work in photomerge panorama.


should delete program , reinstall elements 13?


thank you,

pam barkas

hi pam


in guided edit open photo bin , hold down shift key select each image. should see white outline, around selected item in blue.

More discussions in Photoshop Elements



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