How do I deal with Multiple Lr Catalogs and Photos Everywhere?

the photos in different folders , in 2 different drives.

i want consolidate one......

what efficient way proceed?  appreciate suggestions.




ps best put photos in 1 folder???

should lr catalog in same drive location (eg in external drive backup

or 2 not traveling about.  there way many photos laptop!

can bridge of somewhere along line?


[moved general forum lounge product-specific support forum - moderator]

hi bill,

how telling os , lightroom version

how many catalogs , located

where image files

how many drives have use (not up) , how spare space.


you want work out do, write down , work , methodically. doing means can achieve after (don't use bridge) poor system , methodology lead data loss.

so start above questions

More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC



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