Hosting a Muse site in IIS

hi all,


muse & iis novice

first post here goes..


i have server 2008 r2, iis 7.5.


i have decided publish muse site html. create new site in iis, give name, ip address 'all unassigned', give unused port number, , have selected store file in non default iis directory(as website sitting there). when try access localhost:myportnumber error explaining there no web.config file. need create one? if how? , why required?


furthermore, when publish site html asks site url, i'm not quite sure put in. can literally make name site? i'd imagine have registered?



thanks in advance,


sounds server not set web server. need check server documentation proper set up. unrelated muse. muse run on web server supports html, css , javascript. set web server.


if planning make site available publicly need domain name. can registered @ hundreds of places on web. if hosting internally on own network internal use local path site sufficient url.

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