canon 5D mark iv help!!!!

i need talk someone. frustrated, have spent on hour searching on these forums on products need in order use lightroom , elements new canon 5d mark iv camera. have both lightroom 5 cc. use lightroom 5 because have many actions in elements 10 , told cc not compatible elements , in order use lightroom cc have use photoshop cc. have new camera , being told in forum lightroom 5 not able read files. true> if version of lightroom read files , compatible elements 10?


thank you

also, when did become difficult support adobe, worst. have 4 products of theirs including cc , can not talk online or on phone. how answers if there no support team talk to?

the answer 5d4 "cc support soon." i'm no adobe affiliate, don't know if they'll add support older versions of lr—but judging almost-trickle of updates pre-cc products got, wouldn't hold breath. got 5d4 in mail, , swept in excitement forgot meaningful processing them. it's floor model play in living room.

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