Autocreating TOC for Linked Word documents

in brand-new project, i've linked 16 word documents. have dragged each of them "system_information" folder within robohelp can drag folder toc designer , recreate toc after update word document. created screen capture below after dragged "system_information" folder left toc designer. notice book "telephone system (nec)" created @ bottom of toc instead of between "onbase" , "voalte" books. observation toc creating toc in alpha order, perhaps that's incorrect?


i deleted "telephone system (nec).docx" project, including html files. went directory contains word document , renamed , re-linked robohelp project. when dragged folder toc designer, put book @ bottom of toc:


is there reason why toc isn't matching folder structure?


this more annoying else, maybe there's has seen behavior , found remedy.

the plot thickens. renaming file starts "a" still causes book last book in toc:


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