PSA: Updated yesterday 2015 (10.3) freezing on export and render



this more of psa updated  2015 (10.3/4) yesterday , started encountering freezes when rendering or exporting media (h.264). spent lot of time on phone support.


what happening: when rendering or exporting media, progress freeze third or of way through. playback cease function after that.


resolution: rolled cc 2015 (9.0, paper plane). full solution. support wanted blame clips being used - unknown whether true, rolled before able recreate problem known compatible clips 9.0 paper plan (was under deadline don't ya know!)


more specifics:

- 7 clip project

- featuring 4k 360 video clips

- h.264, bitrate 50mbps

- 360 clips produced kolor autopano video pro (2.5 beta 3 - asynchronous, no 360metadata)

- windows 10 home (1151)

- nvidia geforce gtx 960m (driver:

- output: h.264, 25mbps, 30fps, 2:30, 4096 x 2048


hope no 1 else runs if do, hope helps.

More discussions in Premiere Pro CC



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