Creating a custom stamp from a JPEG image to place in a PDF document

hi there,


i'm new photo-shop , love if me out , maybe point me in right direction.


i make custom stamp scanned image of 1 use @ work. basic image. red writing on white (obviously) background. issue want remove white image , make parts of image transparent when it's placed on pdf document not obscure info (electrical schematic drawings require as-built stamp). same if stamping document physically.


i have tried uploading scanned stamp image acrobat , adjusting opaqueness loses colour. bright (blood) red fades away light pink , our client not accept this. trying speed our process not having physically stamp 250,000+ documents.


i'm sure it's simple process lacking time research methods required. in instance appreciated.


andrew j.

1)open jpg image

2)in layers panel click on padlock on layer convert background layer normal layer

3)select quick selection tool

4)drag across white area (repeat many times necessary have of white selected

5)press shift-ctrl-i on windows or shift-cmd-i on mac invert selection

6)in menu choose layer>layer mask>reveal selection


at point white should transparent. should need fix it, click new mask thumbnail in layer , use of normal pixel editing tools brush, gradient, invert, filters, etc. when done click image thumbnail.

the beauty of mask is on destructive , can edited time in future long save in format supports layers , transparency.

so @ point saving jpg out not support either. tiff, psd, png candidates. keep in mind png not support layers , rgb only.

More discussions in Photoshop for Beginners



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