how to manually turn LowerField VideoClips into Progressive VideoClips-?

hello everyone,


i have videoclips aligned on adobepremelement13 editing table, of them in lower field   (and 25f/s pal(!) 4:3)



i need have them rendered in output in avi (uncompressed) in     progressive     instead.


(elements13 , ok, unsure securing quality of turnout : publisher compress avi onto pal dvd later on, , file read on computer, , that's why prefer progressive-)-



does rendering automatically recode lower field file progressive file, or there loss expected? or otherwise constrained keep order lowerfield, due videoclips being lowerfield originally?  problem lowerfield of dvd in pal, seems should upperfield(!?)-


so has been decided set progressive (de-interlaced) movie read everywhere, possible? , possible elements13?



==>why have ask :



-of course specify @ rendition time settings "progressive" want sure don't have manually recode each videoclips (i have 77 of them) lowerfield progressive. needed, how on elements13? don't see device operate initial transformation.





(you see there 2 questions in one, bit confused snag am)

much thank yous in advance!


if original video interlaced (lower field first) , premiere elements project settings match video specs, need output video progressive setting , come out progressive. no interlacing.


i don't know how affect conversion ntsc pal, since there other factors consider (like frame rate).


what original source of video? coming camcorder?


what video's resolution , frame rate?

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