Table causes beachball then finally crash if touched in any way

i have table 60 rows , 5 columns. it's inline content flow. if put cursor in cell, i'm toast. if place cursor after , try delete, crash. can't damn thing out. i've saved idml , tried fresh conversion, no go.


the beachball spin 4-5 mins before file choke.


the overall document 48 pages, part of larger book. there other tables, aren't causing trouble. id 2015.4 relase, build, mac os 10.11.6.


i popped open activity monitor during last spin of death , showed id using 95% of cpu.


anyone can removed can rebuilt it, please advise. it's killing progress @ inopportune time.

there may corruption in file.


choose file > save > indesign cs4 or later (idml) save idml file. open idml file.


clean corrupt files exporting .idml or .inx

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