Quick Escape Sequence

i'm working nonprofit , trying add 'quick escape' feature. got following code , made css fie, won't run. i'm not expert , use ideas.


function getaway() { // away right now window.open("http://weather.com", "_newtab"); // replace current site benign site window.location.replace('http://google.com'); }  $(function() {  $("#get-away").on("click", function(e) { getaway(); });  $("#get-away a").on("click", function(e) { // allow (?) link work e.stoppropagation(); });  $(document).keyup(function(e) { if (e.keycode == 27) { // escape key getaway(); } });  });



caycj wrote:


i'm working nonprofit , trying add 'quick escape' feature.

for purpose exactly?

what have there looks javascript, not css code.



nancy o.

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