Websocket plugin doesn't work

i'm working on mobile application (with phonegap build) connect websocket server.


i tried many third parties plugins, adding tag in config.xml (widget part), no 1 worked


examples :


<plugin name="com.ququplay.websocket.websocket" spec="0.1.0" source="pgb" />




<plugin spec="https://github.com/knowledgecode/websocket-for-android.git" />


i'm writing right or there thing i'm missing ?


i have specify application worked android 4.4 kitkat (which includes websocket support)




ps : use hotspot connect server testing (wifi, local network, internet connection off while doing this)

you shouldn't need plugin enable web socket support. instead use socket.io, fall xhr polling if web sockets aren't supported.


on android, i'd suggest using crosswalk have consistent environment across supported targets.


make sure you:


* modify content-security-policy (csp) meta tag allow web socket activity (ws://)

* make sure config.xml whitelists server

More discussions in PhoneGap



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